Monthly Archives: November 2011

A brief introduction


I’m a thirty-something kiwi, recovering corporate lawyer, foodie, coffee-fiend, voracious reader and theatre-lover, with a bad case of the travelling bug.

My first big trip abroad was a year studying at an all-girls high school in Utsunomiya, Japan. After doing time as a book-buyer for a chain bookshop in Auckland, New Zealand, I finally got around to finishing a degree, and then another one, and somehow found myself working as a commercial solicitor at a large New Zealand law firm.  The itchy feet persisted so, after a six-week test-run travelling solo around Europe, I took the plunge and moved to London (with just about everyone I knew from law school, as it turned out).

For the last 4 years I’ve been working as a corporate lawyer in the City, mainly to fund my travel habit, and squeezing in trips to Morocco, Egypt, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Wales, Scotland and – last, but certainly not least – Ireland (in search of my past and an cúpla focal).

I’m still not entirely sure how I managed to maintain a corporate law career for (god) … EIGHT years … but enough is enough. To the great relief of all my friends (‘cause I might finally shut up about it) I have chucked the job and I’m off to see the world.  Well, sort of… This is my test-run for RTW travel: two months travelling solo in India, with a tour from the good people at Intrepid Travel in between.  As a wise woman once said to me, “what could possibly go wrong?!”  There’s only one way to find out…